I'm 14 weeks today and just wanted to give a quick update on how I have been doing lately! I had my checkup last week and baby's heart rate was 161 and sounded just beautiful :) I have been feeling better in the past couple of weeks. Less fatigue and nausea. Still pretty tired though, Jonah keeps me running constantly. He's so much fun though! Yesterday I started having horrible low back pain. I knew right away it was sciatic nerve pain. I had it with Jonah, but I thought it was much later on. He was bigger and I pretty much had it until he was born. Dr. Benton told me the cure for sciatic pain was "having a baby". It was true. I was hurting so bad yesterday and had to work. It seemed like I had to walk more yesterday than I have in a long time. Not fun. I felt like a crippled. I called Dr. B's office and found out it's common to get it earlier on and pretty much nothing to do for it other than heating pad and Tylenol. Neither worked. Oh well! I've gained 4 pounds so far. I'm pretty proud of that. I'm trying to be smarter this time around and not gain a stupid amount of weight. Not obsessing, just being more cautious! I've started to wear a few maternity things. I do feel like even though I've only put on 4 pounds, my belly is coming on out! I've also heard that's normal to notice early on. Stomach muscles just aren't what they use to be! We still talk all the time about baby names. The boy name is decided...Fisher Cole. The girl name...not so much. We absolutely can't agree. Our top names are Harper and Molly, but I'm just not able to decide on anything. Neither is Derek. We hope to find out in 2 weeks what this little nugget is, so we will see! I haven't had too many cravings. I don't really gravitate towards sweets. I guess more of the salty, tangy, spicy things. I love to eat scrambled eggs and jelly toast with a big glass of milk for breakfast. I seriously could eat that every single day! I also am loving Rice Krispy Treat cereal. Not the healthiest, but delish! I also drink tons of water, but it has to be ice cold. Very important! Which is funny, because I never like my drinks with ice in them. I think that might go along with the awesome heart burn. Yep, Tums are my bff. I guess that's about it with the update for now. Here's a family pic from the first Alabama football game day this year...might be my favorite family pic of us so far :)

Some other good ones....
I love J's face in this one. It's his model face :) |
My family is my life! |
Poppy's birthday!!! |
We love Poppy! |
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