My 7 month old! Such a sweet sweet boy. He is entering the stranger anxiety stage, which can be a little difficult at times (when all he wants is me), but come on...I'm eating this up! He can cuddle with mommy all he wants to! He started to move around a lot more. Mostly rolling around all over the floor. He can also push himself backward...more on that later.
This is from Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. I <3 my
little family so very much!!!
My angel sent from heaven :)
He moved up to a big boy car seat. He liked it at first, but now he still fights us every time we put him in it. He will put his feet down and arch his back and just scream. We really do have to wrestle him every time.
He sat himself up in his bed one day and daddy saw it on the monitor! Now he's doing it all the time, so we had to move his mattress down.

So I said he can move backwards, and here is a predicament he got himself into. He just kept disappearing under his bed!!!
I started giving him these rice rusks things and he really likes them. Plus, this keeps
him occupied when we go places so he's not bored and screaming!
Here's my baby at 8 months old! I was quite emotional the day I took this. I had been
kinda busy so the 15th totally snuck up on me. When I took this picture
of my little boy, I couldn't help but feel extremely blessed that he is in my life. Something very bad
had happened the day before in Connecticut. Precious children were taken from their
families. I was so grateful that I was able to kiss my baby and love all over him. You never know what God has planned, and I hope that I can continually put my total trust in him. That being said, I cannot even begin to imagine how I could go on if anything ever happened to my child. I will never take my time with him for granted...ever!
Just a fun picture of the same jammies. Size he wears now compared to in the hospital just 8 months ago :)
One thing that Jonah loves more that anything is Mickey Mouse! He loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. At the beginning, Mickey comes walking down the street and Jonah gets the BIGGEST smile on his face and startes waving his hands and bouncing up and down. We got him a little stuffed Mickey and he just wanted to cuddle with him :)
He has now pulled up a couple of times on his own. He can stand for a really long time if we stand him up next to something. Working out those legs!
He was having some grumpy days and I thought he might be teething (no teeth yet though). I found these mesh paci things at Target and put some frozen banana peices in it. He LOVES it! He will eat almost a whole banana in these things. Plus it soothes his gummies!
Baby son crawled a few days ago!!!! I had been making a Pinterest project (handprint Santa ornament) in the kitchen. When I finished, I went into Jonah B's room where he and Daddy were playing. I sat the foil down that the ornaments were on to show them off. Jonah saw that shiny foil and got right up and crawled straight to it. Derek and I were kinda in shock, it happened so fast. Now he is getting around really well! He's all up under the Christmas tree getting presents. He pulled a bunch of toys and books off his shelf the other night, too. He's just to fun to watch. I love to watch him explore and learn. Getting ready for his first trip from Santa!!!
Nonny is so excited to see you grow and change. You are so precious and we love you so much. You have brought such joy to our lives. When we aren't with you we miss you so much! I am looking forward to what you do next.