I feel pretty good this week. Just feeling very large. We went to the doctor this morning and everything turned out fine! I only gained 3lbs this time, which makes me feel really good. They said I passed my glucose test from last appt, but it also showed that I'm close to having low iron. I just need to start taking an iron supplement I guess. We listened to Jonah's sweet sweet heartbeat. I just love hearing that baby's heart beating strong in there. I go back in 2 weeks and we get our 4D ultrasound!!!! Totally can't wait for that appointment! I want to see my little chunky monkey again!!!
Total weight gain/loss? 28lbs unfortunately
Maternity clothes? totally...can't wear my other clothes
Sleep? Most nights I seem to toss and turn
Best moment this week? Getting his name and decor above the crib done. I worked so hard!
Movement? Like CRAZY! I feel him all the time. He is really liking my right side underneath my ribs. It feels really weird!
Food cravings? Not much. I seem to be really liking orange juice lately though.
Belly button in/out? In
What I miss: Being able to bend over without grunting
What I am looking forward to: My 4D ultrasound in 2 weeks!!!
Milestones: 3rd trimester...woohoooo!
Nonny would like to go on record as saying she had a little to do with those awesome circles. Who's idea was it to use embroidery hoops? But all credit for hard work and burned fingers go totally to mommy. It turned out great. I also can't wait to see Jellybean in that 4-D picture. It's going to be a long 12 weeks!