We've been up to quite a lot lately. This past weekend, I was going non-stop. I got another craft idea from pinterest and went at it. Jonah needed letters above his bed, and since the crib is against such a large wall, we needed some more decoration. I bought wooden circles and hot glued fabric to them. There might have been an incident with the hot glue. I ended up burning my thumb and middle finger on some lava-like hot glue. It made two pretty big blisters! It's pretty sad that I can't get through a craft project without an injury. But, in the end, the wall turned out just the way I imagined. No pain...no gain!

I feel pretty good this week. Just feeling very large. We went to the doctor this morning and everything turned out fine! I only gained 3lbs this time, which makes me feel really good. They said I passed my glucose test from last appt, but it also showed that I'm close to having low iron. I just need to start taking an iron supplement I guess. We listened to Jonah's sweet sweet heartbeat. I just love hearing that baby's heart beating strong in there. I go back in 2 weeks and we get our 4D ultrasound!!!! Totally can't wait for that appointment! I want to see my little chunky monkey again!!!
Total weight gain/loss? 28lbs unfortunately
Maternity clothes? totally...can't wear my other clothes
Sleep? Most nights I seem to toss and turn
Best moment this week? Getting his name and decor above the crib done. I worked so hard!
Movement? Like CRAZY! I feel him all the time. He is really liking my right side underneath my ribs. It feels really weird!
Food cravings? Not much. I seem to be really liking orange juice lately though.
Belly button in/out? In
What I miss: Being able to bend over without grunting
What I am looking forward to: My 4D ultrasound in 2 weeks!!!
Milestones: 3rd trimester...woohoooo!