Yep...a whole season! With 3 kids' birthdays within 2 months, things got crazy! There was Fisher's birthday and school snack, the boys' combined birthday party, J's birthday and school snack, Emmy's party, and then her special day! :D I'm exhausted just reliving it!!!
Happy 3rd Birthday Fisherman!!!
We had such a fun time celebrating our sweet man! We started the day with a birthday breakfast, headed out to Urban Air, had a Hibachi lunch, then came home for cupcakes and presents :) We ended the day with a fun movie night!
Time for your checkup! (31#, 3ft 1in tall)
PLC Birthday Snack
Fisherman, you are truly one-of-a-kind. You are so strong and passionate (just like your Daddy likes to say about me 😊! You are doing so very good in K4 and learning so much. You love to do everything Jonah does, and you just adore your baby sister. She is your princess. You are so sweet and gentle with her, but then you are a wild and crazy wrestler with Jonah and Daddy. You currently say "mommy" about 95 times a day! Your little minion laugh is terribly contagious and your ice-blue eyes own me every time. You are so special to me, and I absolutely treasure time spent with you. I pray that you will always...
"Be strong and courageous" Joshua 1:9
We decided to throw the boys a combined party this year and take over a nearby park! We had so many sweet friends and family come out to celebrate our baby boys. They had the best time and still talk about it! P.S. - Momma made their shirts 😊
Sweet Korbin Ross
Dyson Benefield, Tucker Ragland
Ms. Laura's girls, Megan and Katie
Hudson Vance
KJ Null
Oh, Grandpa 😄
J, Jonathan (PLC), KJ Null, Kinley
It was SO windy, and the candles would not stay lit. The boys humored their Momma and pretended to blow them out for me 💙
Ragland Boys
Mrs. Cindy and Korbin
The Vance crew
Sweet Braeden and those beautiful eyes!
So excited about his school bus monster truck!!!
Jonah decided he wanted a race car birthday, so Mommy hooked him up! Daddy had just gone through a little procedure (😉) so we couldn't do anything too active. We decided on a movie day!
First thing's first...I was super excited to give J his new bike that he so desperately needed. By my own humongous booboo, he found it the day before his birthday. I sent him right to the room where it was hiding on an errand for me 😞. He was so excited, though. That face is just priceless!
The birthday boy wanted Waffle House for breakfast!
Sister 😄
So there was this giraffe...who was supposedly "in labor" for like weeks. She finally decided to have her baby on Jonah B's birthday!!!
Derek pointed out that we were passing St. V at the exact time Jonah was being born 5 short years ago. We were only 1 minute off!!!
The exact moment this sweet boy turned 5 years old 😍💙😭
Sweet Gecko! (PJ Masks)
Time for your checkup! (40#, 3ft 7")
Sweet man had a perfect checkup and even showed off his smarty pants skills 😍 We had to get some froyo afterwards to fix the booboos and broken heart! He's ready for Kindergarten!!!!!!!!
Jonah Brandon, you amaze me. You are so kind and tender-hearted. You have been doing all these new things lately that, honestly, make me a little sad. It's like you've all of a sudden morphed into this big boy! You've learned to read, ride a bike without training wheels, started playing baseball, and learned to swim on your own! It's incredible! I'm so proud of everything that you do. You are one determined little boy. You are such a good example for your brother and sister. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and with such sweetness. I can already see God doing amazing work in you. You say the sweetest prayers and even told us just last week "I know the Holy Spirit". I pray you continue to be open to hearing God speak and let him work through you every day of your life. You are going to do great things, Jonah B! You will never stop being my sweet man 💚💚💚!
"...Learn to know God intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind...If you seek him, you will find him...Be strong and do the work." 1 Chronicles 28:9-10
EMMY JANE IS 1!!!!!!!!
Nope...nuh-uh...not happening...someone pinch me! Her first year is GONE?! We loved, Loved, LOVED throwing our princess her first birthday party 💗👑🎉
1 YEAR PICS by the talented Amy Raab!
Hers was so DONE by this point 😆
What a precious day it was! Our house was so decked out in everything delicate and pink 💗! Pretty proud of it, because I worked really hard and actually made quite a few of the decorations myself. It was so beautiful and fit for our princess baby!
Bailey Hatchett and Dylan
Miller Kate Raab
Cannon Hale
Look what I can do!
ALWAYS smiling 😍
We always like to make sure that even if the kids have parties, we want to make their actual birthday special, too. Maybe it's just me, but I always want my babies to feel special on their birthday. After all, it's the day that God brought them into this world for me to love and pour myself into. It's not just a celebration for them as the birthday girl/boy, but it's also for me and the day that I became their Mommy 💚💙💗
Anywho...on to the celebration!!!
Let's Play!!!
I got you Brubby!!!
Emsy says "I'm 1!"
Stunt Lady 😄
Ready to go! She's got her baby in the front, her purse, and Daddy's credit card 💰
Love the baby!!!
Oh, this stinker face 😍 She is just perfect in every way! She got an A+ at her checkup and was such a good girl. She's still not walking yet on her own, but will go all over this house holding on or pushing something.
Hi, my love!!!

We had a fun water day later on that day to help her feelings 😢
I don't think I can put into words what joy Emery Jane has brought to our lives. I always knew in my heart that I would have a girl. I knew it and my heart longed for her. God knew my longing. He knew and sent me his sweetest angel. Emmy, you are just the happiest baby with a smile that is absolutely contagious. You adore and are adored by your amazing brothers.You are taking more steps each day and add a new word just about every day. Some of your favs are Dada, Mama, outside, bye, night-night, and bite-bite. We have also heard ball, book, cup, and possibly Jonah
💙 You have been our best sleeper and easiest baby all around. We nursed for a full year and you weaned like a dream! You are my Princess Baby, and I just can't get enough of you. My prayer for you is that you always know your worth. That you always know how wonderful, beautiful, and special you are.

You are "fearfully and wonderfully made". Psalm 139:14
You are "God's masterpiece". Ephesians 2:10
You are "a gift from the Lord...a reward from Him". Psalm 127:3
You are a "child of God". 1 John 3:1
You are LOVED! John 3:16
You are LOVED FOREVER! Romans 8:38-39 💗