We hit the 3rd trimester!!! It's getting real :) We've been hard at work in sweet Emery's room, and it is precious! We still have a few things to do, but we are so close to being done. I had my doctor's visit this week, and everything went well. I had some very crampy days that I associated with not drinking enough water. I told Dr. B about it, and she agreed. Shame, shame on me! Other than that, I'm feeling good! It's pretty difficult to put my boots on these days, but that just means Emmy Jane is growing big and strong!
I thought this was adorable :) Fisher was playing cars with baby sister. He thought it was hilarious to use my rounded belly like a ramp. Silly sweet big brother!

Oh, YAY for 4D ultrasound!!! It's all I wanted for Valentine's Day, and I'm so very glad we went. We tried 4D Mommies in Homewood this time. It was so great! The office was small but really nice. We took the boys and they had some toys set out for them to play with. When we first went in, the girl had a hard time getting a good view of Emery's face. We kept trying with no luck. She got another girl to come help and she found this sweetness right away! I cried just a bit :) She was just right there so clear. That sweet mouth and chubby cheeks. It's amazing to me that we are able to see a baby inside my tummy. I don't care if we have 8 kids, I will get a 4D every time! We are in agreement that she seems to have Jonah's nose and Fisher's mouth/chin. She gave us some sweet peeks then covered her face with crisscrossed arms and a foot tucked behind her head. Oh I just can't wait to meet you sweet little angel girl!

We got this heartbeat buddy as a part of the special they had for February. I loved the sweet little lamb :) It has a recording of Emery's heartbeat inside. J thought it was neat and just wanted to hold it the whole way home.
Sweet boys playing in the waiting room.
How far along? 29 weeks today
Total weight gain: 20 pounds
Sleep: About the same. I have felt more tired all around lately. It's getting that time!
Best moment this week: Um...see above!
Movement: I have noticed it's changed from big kicks and jabs to a rolling feeling.
Symptoms: A little of everything
Food cravings: Well, being Valentine's Day and all, I've been crushing some chocolate ;)
Food aversions: Not really
Labor Signs: Not labor, but I had some cramping in my lower belly and back from not drinking enough water. I've also been feeling some tightness at times.
Belly Button in or out?About halfway out
What I miss: Sleeping on my back. I broke out the prego pillow this week to keep me from rolling over to my back while I sleep. I love that monstrosity!
What I am looking forward to: Inching closer and closer to D-day! But before that, we have 2 little boys' birthdays coming up!
Milestones: Reached the 3rd trimester! Final stretch...let's do this!!!