I've got lots to talk about, so let's get started! My sweet little J is doing so good at preschool! His first day went really well. I was worried about drop off, since I don't actually take him in. His teachers get him out and walk him in. We had to wait in a pretty long line, but I also got to unbuckle him and let him watch all the other kids getting out of their car. By his turn, he was prepared! His teachers say that he is such a sweetie and tells them thank you all the time :) That's my boy! He talks about his teachers (Ms. Cristy, especially) and his friends named Eli and Summit. He also keeps saying that Kiki tried to sit on Jonah's tummy and he tells her to move! HA! These kiddos....crazy! He told me he learned the letter A (Ah-Ah-Ah-Apple!) and letter B (B-B-B-Ball!). He loves to help me pack his snack in his dump truck lunch box and carry his bag out to the car.
This is Ms. Cristy bringing out my baby after school!
Dear sweet baby :) You will NEVER know your mommy's love for you!

I ready to go!
Now, big boys that go to preschool shouldn't still be in a baby crib...right? Right! We decided to let him be a big boy and try out his big boy bed. He has done great from day 1! We just talked about how important it was to stay in the bed and call us when he's ready to get up. And he does! He loves his big boy bed. We have started reading books in his bed to get him really comfortable with laying right down. It's working!
Another big development...J is potty training! We're about 2 weeks in now and doing great. He wears his big boy undies while at home, a pull-up when we're out, and diapers for sleep. Pull-ups are too expensive to wear them too much! We started out on the little potty for about a week. Then we moved to the big potty, which has been so much easier for me! Much less cleanup involved! He mostly has little accidents if he gets distracted and starts to go in his undies. He'll stop and run to the potty to finish, though. He's just so cute!
Having to check things out ;)
Blackmail for later in life. Gotta have that wrench!
He gets treasures at night if he uses the potty throughout the day. He was really excited this night, since he picked Echo from Planes for his treasure!
I love that wittle tooshy!
We've also been doing sticker sheets, and when he fills it up, he gets a special day! He filled the first one up really quick, so we went to the library with Brubby and Kiki!
Now we can give Brubby boy a turn...what's going on with him??? Oh yeah, he's HALF A YEAR OLD! Oh my, how did this happen? He's still suppose to be my little newborn, but he's like some kind of big boy! Not possible.
"The Derek" face ;)
He has the sweetest little giggle and the cutest little chin dimple. I cannot get enough of him!
Those eyes!
Those legs! haha
His checkup was quite eventful. We were about 10 minutes late getting there, which didn't matter in the end, since Dr. Bill was late getting in, too. Over an hour went by before we got to see Dr. Bill. Fisher was 1 1/2hrs past nap time and showing it! He was so irritated and just screamed the entire time. Of course, we had to let the resident do her exam first, then Dr. Bill did the exact same thing. Normally, I don't mind. But that day, with Fisher raging and not wanting to be messed with, I was less than thrilled. J was a sweetie pie and just sat in his chair. Thank goodness, because I would have broken down if he was acting up, too! One at a time, please! Even though it was stressful, Brubby did have a good checkup! He was 19# 10oz, and 27.5in long (90% for both). Everything checked out great, and he is doing everything he should be doing developmentally. That makes me one happy mommy!
Before the madness started!
Well, the only good thing that came from all that screaming at the doctor's office was that I saw a little toothy trying to peak through! Sure enough, Fisher Cole got his first tooth on 9-3 at 6 months old! But, getting 4 shots, plus his first tooth put him in a somber mood. He rode with Mommy for a while that evening :)
Fisher-man is in 6-9mo clothes and size 3 diapers. He has to have special night-time diapers so he won't leak out during the night. We forgot to use the special diaper the other night, and he woke up soaking wet (pj's and sheets) at 1:15. Definitely worth getting the pricey Pampers for the 12 hour protection. Good night's sleep for all! However, it was this same night (9/10) that this baby said MAMA!!!! We were trying to get him back to sleep after the leakage incident. Derek was holding him in his room, but Fisher was just crying. I went up there to help and took Fisher from Derek. About 10 seconds later, he laid his head down on me and said mmmmmmammmmma! It was kinda faint, but Derek said he definitely said it and said it with meaning. He knew mommy was there to help him feel better. Not long after that, he fell asleep. My sweet angel!

He sat up in the buggy for the first time a few days ago. Big Brother was at school, so we went grocery shopping. He loved being a big boy! He just grabbed at everything he thought he could reach!
We've also moved him to a booster from his highchair. This just happened today, so hopefully he will like it.
Selfie with my sweetie!
I'm still loving making his baby food. This particular stash took about 6 hours total, BUT much less than that of actual work. I have to wait about 20 minutes for each batch to steam. It's really not hard at all, and the food lasts a while when I make big batches like this. He's tried a bunch of things and pretty much eats it all! He didn't like the chicken/rice/zucchini mixture. I don't blame him. I do NOT like the idea of pureed meats. I tried, but failed at that one. He loves everything else, though.
Sensory play! Watching those chubby little hands digging in the macaroni was just too cute!
Sleeping angel baby :) I love watching my boys sleep. Creepy, or sweet? A little of both, but how adorable are those cheeks!?
Time to get up! It won't be much longer before his mattress has to be bumped down. Big boy!
Now for some randomness...
Our library has really done a great job remodeling and even has this precious kids area. It's got enough to be a fun playdate or just get-out-of-the-house activity. Plus it's free ;)
One day I took J-bird to Froggy's in Warrior. It's really small, but we were the only ones there, so J had everything to himself. There were 3 inflatables and he just roamed from one to the another.
J had so much fun! I got myself a new carrier and strapped Fisher-man to my back. He just hung out! I did NOT jump with him on my back, though. Promise!
"Like Daddy does!"
Cousins! They have so much fun together. J tries to be just like D. He follows him around and looks up to him so much. It's the cutest thing!
Yesterday was Nonny's birthday, so we had to make her a special card :) J colored and decorated it with his favorite stickers (CARS!). Brubby was mad, because we took his bottle away to take this picture. Deep down, he was wishing his Nonny a very happy birthday!!!