WARNING...Total photo dump ahead...
We'll start with Fisher Coley's 5 Month update! My angel boy is a chunk, that's for sure! He's a little over 18# now and in 6-9 month clothes. We just bumped up to size 3 diapers since he leaked out every single time he would go to bed. He's really do well sleeping through the night and taking better naps during the day. He loves watching J and will smile and laugh so big when J plays peek-a-boo with him. He's sitting up really well, although I still have to stay close in case he throws himself around! He also rolled from back to tummy (pics coming up)! He's just so very big. I cried when I put him in bed last night. He was laying so very sweetly on my chest practically snoring. As I held him beside his bed, my arm starting getting tired. I just thought of how big he is getting and how quickly. I also thought about how Jonah doesn't fall asleep on me anymore. I don't rock him to sleep anymore. He's a big boy now. It made me sad. Only God knows if Fisher will be my last baby or not. All I can do is hold him close for as long as I possibly can. He's mommy's baby boy :)

I could look into those sweet baby blues forever :)
J photo bombed us
Everything goes to his mouth...everything!
I hope to never forget those sweet rolls and precious chubby toes.
Did I mention EVERYTHING goes into his mouth? He loves his toes. They are his new favorite chew toy.
Easy as...
We've still been trying to do new things with the kids. One weekend, we tried the Southern Museum of Flight. It was smaller than the one in Dallas, but still really good. J liked seeing all of the airplanes and helicopters, but he really loved the kids area with the control tower. We had to take the panel off to get him out. He refused to climb down :) Silly rabbit!
After the museum, we went over to see the trains at the Whistle Stop Cafe. There was a cute little caboose, and we decided to have a photo opp while we watched a train go by.
My handsome hubby :)
Fisher just slept...until the train announced itself!
Oh how Brubby loves big brother!
Baby J had his first dentist visit! It went well, actually. He cried when she first started counting his teeth, but he settled down and let her finish and then brush his teeth. He has 16 teeth and no cavities! We'll go back for another checkup in 6 months. He got a goody bag when he left and was so proud of himself :)
After the dentist, we went on a special mommy/baby lunch. It was really sweet to just spend time with my little buddy. I was really proud of him!
Oh the weather outside is torture...seriously SO hot! We had to find a way to beat the heat :)
Some other randomness...
J loves his bubble baths, ha!
He lines up everything! Oh, and his Cars collection is getting seriously out of hand.
It's love :)
We were leaving the house one Sunday morning to go grocery shopping when Derek spotted this little guy strolling down our driveway. We then implemented "Operation Turtle Relocation".
J loves art time!
Sweet brubby sleeps better now that he's rockin and a rollin!
"I have something on my face? Oh, did I get it???" He's doing so good with his homemade baby food. We have now had apple, pear, peach, banana, squash, carrot, sweet potato, peas, green beans, and a few mixtures of those. Every time I feed him, I get this great feeling, because I know exactly what he's eating. I made it from fresh/frozen whole fruits and veggies. I seriously wish I would have done this with J. It's such a great feeling and something that I will honestly miss doing.
Mommy, I'm ready to get up now!
Ooh! I did my first 5k! I've been running for a little over 3 months now and signed up for my first 5k. Derek kinda talked me into it. It just so happened that the week of the race was a "cold snap" in the middle of July. We had a few days of fall-like temperatures and nice breezes. However...the day of the race just so happened to be the hottest day so far this year. It was like 95 degrees at race time (7pm). I hated every second of it! I was a little disappointed in my time, but after I cooled back down (ha!) I realized that I did well for a beginner and I was proud of myself for doing it.
Before the race...
I finished in 30:54 which was 3 seconds faster than my PR. As of this week, I'm down 42 pounds since d-day! My goal is to lose another 15, but we'll see.
Oh yes...I got the mom-mobile and I love it! We just decided to bite the bullet and trade in Polly Pilot. I really do have so much more space, and it's so much easier getting the kids in and out. I swore I'd never drive one, but you just can't beat that kindof space! I don't look so bad behind the wheel, do I?
Jonah "helps" out a lot :)
Oh my stars, J moved up in Sunday School and moved to a class where they get to do actual lessons and artwork. He drew me some lovely pictures his first day :) He also told us all about the playroom and the ball pit that he went to. He had so much fun. Of course, I'm a sap and I've got his pictures hanging on the fridge now. Can't imagine how I'll be in a few weeks when he starts preschool!
I don't know what to do with my hands!
So tall!
He was using a calculator as a cellphone and saying he was talking to Poppy. Such sweetness ;)
So like I said, total photo dump, but we've been so busy that I haven't had time to update. I'll try to do better!