Wait, let's backup a bit. It would NOT be a true vacation for the Yarbroughs without some sort of illness for Jonah B. This kid...I just don't know what to think. He came down with a temp of like 101.4 the day before we were going to leave. I called super quick before the doctor's office closed to make an appointment for first thing in the morning. Right after that, things went downhill. We were keeping the cousins for a few hours and things got NUTS! I was downstairs feeding Fisher when Derek texted me from the playroom that Jonah was super hot. I put Fisher to bed and checked on Jonah. He had risen to over 103. I took him downstairs, and in the next 30 minutes, I had him in the tub with his temp going up to 105.3! I was FREAKING OUT, to say the least. Nurse Nicole was gone...long gone. Panicked mommy was in the house. I was calling the PHIL nurse and ended up talking to a friend of mine who said if it went back up...time to head to the ER! We went so far as to pack a bag in case me and J had to head out. By that point he was in the 104 range, and thankfully, didn't get back up that high.

Thanks to lots of Disney movies, the drive went pretty well. We just had meltdowns about 15 minutes out from the condo, so that's pretty good!
Fisher Cole said, "Get me outa here, now!"
We did stop for about 30 minutes to feed him, but then quickly got back on the road and hard charged for sun and sand!
I really loved our condo. It was so perfect for us. Plenty of room and so cutely decorated.
King size bed is a must on vacations, since Jonah B sleeps with us. He's a sweet snuggler, but also a kung-fu master in his sleep ;) I do look forward to vacations, since he doesn't sleep with us at home. Mommy likes to snuggle too, shhhh!
Confesstion #2, I fell in love with this chair and have tracked it down. I'll be placing my order next week at the latest, ha! For real though, I am ;)
Sweet baby man after his fever broke!
This picture is perfection. J running toward the beach so excited, Daddy toting all of our gear, and me falling behind and getting a photo opp out of it.
Oh how much he loves the beach!
Fisher was pitching a major fit, so Daddy the baby whisperer took him for a walk. Came back with a passed out Patty. Thanks daddy!
This just in....I have the cutest angel babies in the world!!! See pic above and below for proof :) Ahhh those smiles make my heart ache in the best way.
Jonah had so much fun in the water with Daddy. He helped J "jump" the waves. We didn't get in very far since just a few days before we got there, the news put out a story about dozens of sharks just outside of the pass (right down from our condo). No thank you!
This was the best pic I could get with both boys. J never stops, plus he's come to hate having his picture made.
Pudgy baby brubby feet <3
Fisher was very soothed by the ocean. When we were out on the beach, if he got fussy, I just walked right up to the water and magically, he was OUT!
Case in point...
I watched them play forever. J just loved the pool!
I mean come on...Fisher, you will see this one day and realize why Mommy basically could not keep her lips off of you :)
We bought J a new big boy float for the pool. I was a little unsure of how he would react to having to wear the thing, but he actually loved it. I don't know how many times he jumped off the side of the pool to his daddy.
He even did a little swimming!
Friday we woke up to rain and lots of it. We decided to head out for lunch and then the arcade, along with every other person at the beach! Rainy day activity, I guess. We did find a few things for J to do.
Remember when I said J was a sweet snuggler?
I call these pics...J tries a lemon, haha! He actually begged for it. We tried to tell him!
Tacky Jacks...one of my favs :)
J's first FROYO! He had chocolate/vanilla swirl with sprinkles, and of course, loved it!
They found buried treasure
This is the look of my entire beach time. I wore Fisher every time we went out to the beach. He loved it and it kept him happy, so I was happy to do it!
We had a great time even with a few meltdowns with Brubs. We did decide to drive back Saturday night at bedtime, so that we could drive straight through. I was really nervous, but it was great! We left around 8:30 and got home around 12:30. You can make great time when you don't have to stop to feed a baby and tame a toddler! Even though it was stressful at times, I'm so glad we went. We made a lot of memories as a family of 4. Thinking we need another last minute trip...next weekend, maybe???