Some updates on Mr. Fisher...
- Size newborn clothes and diapers
- Cord fell off last night (at exactly 2 wks old)
- Lots of dark hair
- Eyes are looking very deep blue
- More awake times during the day; follows rattles and toys with his eyes
- Taking around 3.5-4oz formula every 3-4 hours
- Struggling with night/day sleep patterns, but getting better ;)
- Loves his "minky" (monkey wubbanub paci)
- Sleeps best in his boppy lounger
No more cord!
Jonah likes to bring brubby some toys. He even shared his hammer and wrench :)
We are starting to really get the hang of this having 2 kids thing. We even took a family outing one day. We had lunch and spent some time at Botanical Gardens on a pretty day. It was nice to get out into the real world. Cabin fever was really setting in!
Mommy and her angels!
On another note: It's my birthday!!! For Mother's Day after Jonah was born, I got a necklace with his name, birthstone, and birthday engraved. For my birthday this year, I got one for Fisher! I was upset when it first came, because it ended up not being the same size as Jonah's, but it actually looks good with having 2 different sizes. Love my mommy necklace!
Derek knows me too well...
I decided that Jonah B needed to do an art project today, so he painted something special for mommy. He started out using a pompom/clothespin to paint with...
Then he asked to use his finger...
Then he dug in!
Mommy's birthday balloons :)