Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Jonah had his first Halloween a few days ago! I had much more fun with it than he did. We got him the cutest costume! I had all intentions of taking him to Boo at the Zoo, but we didn't get around to that one. We had a very cold front come through the week of Halloween, and he's already been really snotty and coughing, so we skipped it this time. Don't know that he wouldv'e gotten much from it this year anyways. We did, however, get out to the GFBC fall festival! It was the first year at the North campus. It was really good this year! More spacious and looked like more rides. Dylan had fun on the rides, and Jonah B and Keeks liked watching everything. It was a little chilly, but Jonah's costume was warm and fuzzy so kept warm. We all know how serious he is when it come to bedtime, so he had enough when it came about 7:30, but did good until he started getting sleepy! He just loves doing anything outside and especially with all those lights and sounds to keep him busy!

Blurry, but the only group shot with the kids!

This little guy is such a hoot!!!

Nonny came for Jonah's first Halloween!

The sweet babies talking about everything that was happening around them.
Aren't they just the cutest :)

Trainride!!! (the only thing Jonah B could do, hehe)

This is when he had enough. No more pics...I'm sleepy...take me HOME!


After we got home, he turned into a silly boy again and wanted to play a little longer before bed. He's a funny little punkin :)

Half a year old!!!

My baby is 6 months old! He's growing so fast and I am so in love with his little personality. He just makes me laugh all the time! I will talk to him and he will just smile and make the sweetest sounds like he's trying so hard to talk to me. He's going to say mama first, I just know it! He's my BFF. We just love spending time together :) We had his 6 month checkup with Dr. Bill. He is doing great! His ear infection from the week before had completely cleared. He was 19# 12oz and 80% in length and weight. He's still eating really well. We've just added meat to his diet, which let me just say, I feel horrible about making him eat because they smell SO bad! He seems to think they're ok though. He eats a fruit in the morning and veggie and oatmeal before bed. We are trying to incorporate the meat somewhere during the day, just haven't quite figured that one out yet. He's now in 6-9mo clothes and still size 3 diapers. He goes to sleep like clockwork around 8:30 at night and usually wakes up around 6:30. As long as he's not sick, he's a pretty good little sleeper! He loves his jumparoo a lot! He will just jump and jump and jump until he wears himself out. He also has fun sitting on his playmat playing with different toys. He's pretty much outgrown the piano playmat now. He drools SO MUCH! We seriously change his bib (which is an essential accessory these days) about 6 times a day. No teeth yet, but I can see where his bottom two will come in soon. He chews on everything, obviously! We are ready for some teeth! Although, I do love that little gummy boy smile!!!

Still loves his bath time so much! As you can see, we had to remove the green seat from the tub. He rolls out of it! He has lots of fun sitting up like a big boy and playing with his toys.

This angel has my heart signed and sealed!

Daddy has been running a lot lately (he has now lost 70lbs!!!). He wanted to train for a he did! His first race was an 8K. He did really good! This is Jonah B waiting for his Daddy to cross the finish line!

He finished 4th in his age group and 46 overall. He's already planning another race! We love you Daddy!!!

We attempted a fall did not go extremely well. He just wanting to eat the leaves and drool ALL OVER himself. It was pretty cold and windy, though.

This was Jonah's first art project. I found something like this on Pinterest and wanted to try it. I was at home (one of my off days!) and we got a little stir crazy. I think he was bored of the same old toys. He played with this for about 20min until it was naptime.

My little artist :)