I'm going to get to all of his 5 month happenings, but there are a few things that I need to back up and talk about. Starting with the loss of our precious Mimi. On Sunday evening (9/2/12) she went home to be with Jesus and Derek's daddy after a 15 month battle with pancreatic cancer. She fought hard and gave it all she got, but God was ready for her to come home. It makes me very sad that Jonah was not old enough to know her, but it also is nice to think about having her looking over us and our babies from Heaven. Jonah, I will tell you all about her one day...well, many days. I want you to know what a sweet and precious person she was.
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The day Jonah B came home from the hospital |
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Mother's day/baby dedication day at GFBC. Mimi and her babies!!! |
Now for a few lighter updates...The past few weeks have just flown by. So much has happened. I'm going to try and give a brief catch-up. Daddy was super excited because Jonah B had his first Alabama game! We were able to find matching t-shirts (which I just adored!). AL played Michigan and WON 41-14, ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!
Jonah was not a great sport though...it was a night game and we watched it a LeLe's house. I guess Jonah was just wanting to be at his house. He was a little terror, honestly. He just cried and could not get happy the whole evening. We ended up coming back home at halftime and he was an angel for the rest of the night. He even stayed up until the end of the game, which was like 10:30. He wanted to see Bama win, but just wanted to be at his house with his toys I guess?!? We also went to the Zoo for the first time. We ended up just getting the membership, because we plan on going a lot...well I do at least. Jonah did really good. He was awake for a while but then took a little nap through some of the bigger animals. He woke up at the end and had a good time. He really enjoyed the butterfly house. He would just watch all the pretty butterflies flying all around him and stare at the bright flowers.
Would not look at the camera. He was too busy
watching the butterflies. |
One flew right by his head! |
I wanted to get a pic of him with the giraffe so bad! We love baby giraffes and he wore his cute giraffe outfit, but guess what...he was asleep :( Dylan seemed to love the giraffes though
Mommy, I love the zoo!!!!! |
Next up is a photo montage of Jonah's happenings up until his 5 month mark...I'm so behind, I just have to do it this way...
Loves to watch his mobile |
He is such a silly boy. I love his little personality he is getting!!! |
Daddy giving Jonah a bath for the first time! |
Jonah loves his daddy so much :) |
Story time! |
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Chewing on everything these days! |
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He is such a smarty pants trying to figure everything out |
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Poppy's birthday...Jonah's first football gameday! |
He refuses to use his playmat the right way anymore. We will lay him down and before we know it...this transpires...He is just too funny. He still has fun, but just doesn't want to do it right. I guess he is just taking advantage of being more mobile.
Now, finally, to the 5 month update! He is getting to such a fun stage. We can usually get sweet precious giggles out of him! There are not many things cuter than a baby giggling! He has bumped up to 6mo clothes, although he can still wear some 3-6mo but sometimes has to wear 6-9mo, so you just never know! We did move up to size 3 diapers. He's still sleeping great at night, although for the past couple of nights, he has woken up a couple hrs after going down and cries. We get him up, rock him back to sleep, then he's fine. I don't know? He's doing great at his school. The teachers love him and say that he's such a good sleeper and eater...that's my boy! Speaking of eating, he is doing great with his fruits, veggies, and oatmeal. We switched to oatmeal, because he just would not eat that rice. He is doing really good mixing a veggie with the oatmeal. He seems to really like it! He's still getting his iron, so I'm happy. He has eaten bananas, apples, peaches, pears, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, and green peas. He likes most of it but seems to love apples and squash. He HATES and I mean HATES peas. He literally gags and spits them out. Oh well... We've also started letting him nap on his tummy. He seems to sleep a lot better during the day this way. He's getting great at sitting up on his own. He will play in the floor for a long time sitting up. Also loves his jumparoo! He just bounces and bounces and bounces!!!


My strong boy! Why he won't roll over...I may never know! |
Loves taking his wagon rides!!! |
Now for some very exciting news!!!!! I am a short 3 weeks away from going PART TIME! I am so excited about this! I honestly have been having such a hard time working 5 days a week. I just couldn't take being sad anymore. I was always sad. On the way to work, because it was going to be such a long day. On the way home from work, because we had to drive through traffic to just spend a few short hours with him before bedtime. On Saturdays, because it would be Monday in no time at all. And on, and on, and on... I was so tired of being a downer. Thankfully, we are at a place that I don't have to work full time. So I'm not going to! I looked around for a while trying to find the right place. I couldn't go part time at my current job, due to rediculous new policies, but that's a different story. I interviewed and was offered a job at Vestavia Pediatrics, but it just didn't feel right, so I turned it down. Let's back up to when Jonah had his sad little stomach virus then I thought he had an ear infection. I took him to Dr. Bill's on that Monday. While I was there, they actually talked to me about coming to work there! I left my resume and filled out an application that day but didn't hear anything for about 2 weeks. They called me in for an interview and offered me the job. This one felt right. I accepted it on the spot. I will be going to work at Dr. Bill's office 3 days a week! I can't imagine a better situation. I love that office. I grew up at that office. It's Jonah's doctor. I will only work 3 days a week! I seriously cannot wait for this change. It means so much to me and I will be such a happier mommy now that I get to be with my Squishy 2 extra days!!! Yay for answered prayers! Maybe Jonah's Mimi had a little something to do with that ;)
That's all until next time...I love Jonah B!