Yesterday, Jonah had his 2wk checkup with Dr. Bill. We had quite the list of questions to ask. First, Bessie took his measurements. He was 7lbs 14oz, 20 3/4in long, 14in head circ. Dr. Bill was very happy with his weight gain, and his jaundice has resolved! My little chunk :) We asked about his feeding, spitting up, gassiness, sneezing all the time, noisy eating, and his gunky right eye. Dr. Bill wanted to change his formula to Enfamil Gentlease. He said the sneezing and noisy eating are normal. He also said Jonah probably had a blocked tear duct that is causing his gunkiness. I feel like I should know so much more than I do. I even told them that I'm a pediatric nurse, but it's so different being my child. I know what I would tell another mom if I was at work, but I don't know what to tell myself! Dr. Bill is so understanding and helpful that I don't feel as stupid asking all of my questions. Jonah is just so precious, and we cannot imagine our life without him now. I've been thinking of all the precious things he does. I don't ever want to forget anything, so I'm making a list (like I always do)....
*Cannot sleep without his hands up at his face
*Gives me a "what are you talking about" face (scrunches his forehead and looks at me with wide, confused eyes!)
*We call him our little "Squishy" because of his precious squishy face
*If he loses his paci, he will let out a warning grunt letting you know you have just a minute or two before the full on screams begin
*The way he smacks his lips when he's hungry. You can hear it in the next room. When he's hungry, he means business!
*The faces he makes in his sleep. He can be grinning one second, then go straight to a sad face with his bottom lip poked out. My bipolar sleeper!
*The way he looks into my eyes like he knows exactly who I am and is secretly telling me how much he loves me :)
I love my little boy with all of my heart. Even in my sleep-deprived state, I would do anything for that little squishy! I was watching something the other day about a baby with horrible parents. I looked at my baby and said "You are one lucky little boy." I immediately started crying, because I realized that I am the lucky one. I am lucky for having this baby in my life. God is so creative and generous. He gave me this special angel to look after. We are beyond blessed and will never take that for granted. Jonah B, you are so loved!!!!